Factory Automation News

Automation in Injection Molding: Planning and...
Injection molding is one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to produce high-quality plastic parts in large quantities. As plastic is one of the cheapest materials for parts and has many uses, the demand for plastic parts continues to grow....
Optimizing The Injection Molding Process
Injection molding is a widely used manufacturing process for cheaply and efficiently producing large quantities of plastic components. In this process, molten plastic is injected into a mold, where it is then cooled and solidified and then removed fr...
How Long Does it Take to Install an Injection...
Installing a new injection molding robot can seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning and preparation, the process doesn't have to be painstakingly long or complex. On average, installing a new injection molding robot takes 1-2 weeks. The...
Injection Molding Machine Tonnage
When it comes to injection molding, the term "tonnage" holds a pivotal role in determining the success of your manufacturing process. Injection molding machine tonnage affects the efficiency of your molding process, consistency in the plastic parts m...
Your Guide to THK® Linear Motion Guide Rails
THK® linear motion guide rails & bearing blocks provide smooth, reliable and accurate performance on traverse, vertical and crosswise (strip) axis. Both last the life of the robot with regular maintenance. The LM Guide (Linear Motion Guide) i...
EOAT Applications and Integration with Star A...
The overall efficiency and productivity of industrial robotic systems are heavily dependent on the design and capabilities of their attached end-of-arm tooling (EOAT). These specialized devices, fitted at the extremity of the robot arm, serve as the ...
Special Offer: 2 Free Hours of Design Time
Take your automation solutions to the next level with 2 free hours of design time when you purchase an EOAT. Our expert team delivers precision-engineered tools that meet the most demanding requirements, backed by years of experience and a commitment...
The Latest Updates in Injection Molding Automation
Injection molding has sparked a manufacturing revolution, enabling the efficient creation of plastic components for diverse industry applications. At Star Automation, we stand as your unwavering partner in the realm of plastic injection molding. Our focus centers on delivering unparalleled injection molding solutions, including:
As a leading injection molding supplier, we understand the critical role that automation plays in enhancing productivity, reducing waste, and ensuring consistent quality. Our state-of-the-art servo robots and sprue pickers are designed to seamlessly integrate with injection molding machines from most major brands, streamlining the production process and optimizing efficiency.
Star Automation is here to help improve your injection molding factory and will investigate creative automation solutions for your unique facility. Our staff is dedicated to creating specialized solutions that precisely meet your particular needs and requirements.
Stay tuned to this hub for regular updates on the latest trends, technological breakthroughs, and success stories in injection molding automation. Our mission is to empower manufacturers with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in the ever-evolving world of automation.
Ready to elevate your injection molding automation? Contact Star Automation today