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Manufacturing Automation Company in Connecticut

Star Automation, a leading provider of cutting-edge industrial automation solutions, serves manufacturers across Connecticut. Our expertise lies in optimizing manufacturing processes through the integration of advanced control systems and injection molding robotics. Our team of industrial automation experts works closely with clients to develop customized solutions to drive efficiency, reduce waste and maximize output. By leveraging our deep understanding of manufacturing processes and automation technologies, we deliver innovative solutions that propel businesses to new heights of productivity and profitability.

Whether you're looking to automate a specific process or overhaul your entire manufacturing operation, our knowledgeable specialists are here to assist you. Contact us today for a complimentary estimate and let us collaborate with you to unlock the full potential of automation in your business.

Manufacturing Automation Company in connecticut
robots from an automation company in connecticut

Robot Automation For Plastic Injection Molding

Star Automation offers injection molding automation robots to improve your manufacturing operations in Connecticut. Our plastic injection molding robot automation solutions include a range of servo-driven robots, advanced sprue pickers, automatic pallet changers and automated conveyors designed to enhance precision, streamline your processes and maximize throughput in your injection molding operations.

Injection Molding Robots for Sale in Connecticut

Explore our large selection of injection molding robots for sale, designed to improve your factory automation capabilities:

Servo Robots

Servo robot injection mold unloader robots

Servo Robots

Experience the next level of automation precision with our servo-motor-driven robots. Ideal for part extraction, assembly and packing, our robots reduce cycle times and boost total production efficiency.

Sprue Picker Robots

Sprue Picker Automatic Unloader

Sprue Picker Robots

Maximize uptime and minimize waste with our durable sprue picker robots. Designed for high-volume manufacturing, our robots effectively eliminate surplus material. Expect smoother operations in the automotive, medical and consumer products industries.

Automatic Pallet Changers

Pallet Changer for IMM Plastics

Automatic Pallet Changers

Custom automatic pallet changers let you increase productivity. Automating pallet changes reduces downtime while improving workflow, resulting in significant cost savings and greater operational efficiency.

Automated Conveyors

Factory automation conveyor belts

Automated Conveyors

Our automated conveyor systems make material handling easier. Conveyors are intended to boost productivity and reduce downtime in your industrial organization, resulting in more efficient material flow.

Automation Controllers

Star Automation STEC-520 controller

Automation Controllers

Take control of your industrial operations with our cutting-edge automation controllers. Offering comprehensive control and adaptability, the controllers integrate with existing systems for increased productivity.

Injection Molding Automation Service and Training in Connecticut

Partner with Star Automation for comprehensive injection molding automation service and training in Connecticut. Our team of skilled engineers offers expert integration services, comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure seamless implementation and operation of your automated manufacturing systems. From installation to maintenance, we're committed to maximizing the performance and longevity of your automation investments

Trusted Factory Automation Equipment Manufacturer Across Connecticut

  • Bridgeport
  • New Haven
  • Stamford
  • Hartford
  • Waterbury
  • ... & more

Our Office Location Serving You


manufacturing automation near connecticut

Government Grants for Manufacturing Automation in Connecticut

The Connecticut government offers several grants to help manufacturers adopt automation and other Industry 4.0 technologies, including the Manufacturing Innovation Fund (MIF) for advanced manufacturing growth and workforce development, the Industry 4.0 IoT Integration Voucher Program (IVP) for matching grants up to $20K for Industry 4.0 hardware and services, the Manufacturing Assistance Act for direct loans and matching grants up to $50K for equipment and facilities, and the Model-Based Enterprise Tech Strategy Development Consortium led by the Connecticut DECD to advance Model-Based Definition in key manufacturing sectors.

How to get grant money from the government

Find potential grants and incentives for manufacturing automation in Connecticut along with their eligibility, requirements and applications at:

Connecticut Center For Advanced Technology
222 Pitkin Street, Suite 101
East Hartford CT 06108
(860) 291 8832
Contact Our Experts for Automated Manufacturing Solutions in Connecticut!

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